Customer Service
Bayberry Naturals can only accept orders online. This is the most secure way for you to shop for our products and it also helps keeps our costs down. A savings we strive to pass on to you our customer.
Contact Us
Click here for contact information Safe & Secure
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to keep your information safe, and we never distribute your personal information to third-party vendors. Your credit card number is transmitted directly between the issuing bank and credit card processor. We do not receive or keep any credit card information on file. The information that we request is for order processing only; please include a phone # and email address where you can be easily reached.
Payment Options
We accept PayPal, Discover, MasterCard, Visa and American Express.
Shipping Information
Your order will usually be shipped within 1 business day. Please
click here for complete shipping information.
Bayberry Naturals has a
"No Return" Policy; please choose your purchases carefully. For safety reasons, personal care products cannot be resold if they have been returned. For further detail on our return policy please
click here.
Mailing List
You can also join our mailing list by completing the submission form at the bottom of this page or by emailing us at You can unsubscribe or update your information every time you receive a mailing from Bayberry Naturals.